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Character Name: Luke Montgomery

Height: 6'4"

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Mission: He can and will uncover the truth…no matter the cost.

Trouble: Determined to eliminate corruption in the sheriff’s office, Luke knows Deputy Jasmine “Jazz” Parker has a secret. He won’t rest until the guilty are punished…even if Jasmine goes down with them.

Skill/Weapon of Choice: He knows a dozen ways to kill a man, but as an investigative journalist, now wields a pen with deadly precision.

Weakness: He’ll do anything to protect those he loves, especially his three-year-old daughter, Joy.

Favorite Thing: His daughter Joy’s honesty.


“Luke knew she loved her sex hot and her whisky straight…He knew she liked her showers scorching, her kisses gentle, and she purred in the middle of the night.”


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