Walk to End Alzheimer’s!! – Get Involved! Please!

Posted Aug 16 2015 in

Dear Friends and Family,

This isn’t my usual type of post, but I wanted to share something with my wonderful reader and writer family! One of the reasons you haven’t seen a book from me, and won’t for a bit longer (though I’m working on Rafe’s story from the Carder Texas books), is that I have been helping take care of my mother, who has Alzheimer’s. I thought I’d let you know, but also ask for the support from you wonderful readers.

11206572_10205466894345998_2557114747271998682_oI’m joining the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® on 09/26/2015. I’ve committed to raising awareness and funds to support Alzheimer’s care, support and research, and of course, in honor of my mother. I need your help. Together, we can become an unstoppable force against Alzheimer’s disease. You can help in three ways:
1. Join me in the fight against Alzheimer’s by walking with me
2. Help me reach my goal by making a donation to my fundraising page.
3. Join a walk in another location, or even start a team!

The Alzheimer’s Association has helped my family so much throughout our journey. I can’t begin to tell you what their classes, their support groups, and just their resources have meant to our family. The research–well, that goes without saying. I hope to make a big contribution in the fight against Alzheimer’s by reaching my team fundraising goal of $2,500.00, and I’d be so grateful if you would join or sponsor me. Your support of Walk to End Alzheimer’s will help the Alzheimer’s Association to enhance Alzheimer’s care and support and advance critical research for all those affected by this devastating disease.

We all have a reason to end Alzheimer’s. Please visit my fundraising Web page to sign up or to donate today.

Hugs to all of you…and please, if you are so moved, pass this post and link on!

Happy reading everyone and I’m working on my new books as fast as I can!!


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